What is a good prayer?

Have you ever wanted something so much that you never stopped working for it? Prayer is like that, working spiritually towards something. Sometimes we ask God for something and he decides to take his time to prepare us for that same thing, along the way we stop praying and even believing. That only goes to show we were not serious about our requests.

Thessalonians 5:17  17 pray without ceasing

According to Thessalonians 5:17 we should pray without ceasing. A man who really knows what he wants in life should be a man who knows what he should pray for and also how to pray.

Going constantly in prayer before God about one thing and praying according to his will keep you in shape spiritually to receive whatever you are praying for.

A good prayer is therefore made and remembered, it is not something you matter today and tomorrow you forget you ever made that prayer to God. A good prayer is also made out of faith. You pray believing God will do it and pray until something happens, it is not made as a trial to see if God will respond, but it is made knowing in one way or another God will respond according to his will.

A good prayer is made from a pure heart. From a person who means what he says.

Jesus Christ tells us to first seek the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and all other things should follow. For a person who means what he says, this is a direction that we should spend our time and days first praying and working to get the Kingdom Of God and its righteousness so that all other things may be added unto us.

Imagine being a stranger in a family and asking for the things that belong to the children of the family yet you do not want to accept the invitation to be a member of the family. Most of the prayers we make become wrong prayers which cannot be answered just because we need to belong rightly. 

A good prayer is always in line with the word of God and God wants you ready first before he can give you some things. Prayers will therefore take time, and sometimes require changes in one’s life before they are granted. A good prayer, therefore, is always a serious prayer where the person making the prayer recognizes the Sovereignty of God and is willing to submit to His will. A good prayer will even change the prayer maker and thus bring God closer, within whom there is the answer.

A good prayer starts with seeking first the Kingdom of God and it’s righteousness. It is the first and most important thing to pray for. When God is near you, all other answers come nearer. A good prayer acknowledges this.

Write your prayer down in order of priority, pray until something happens one day. Know your prayers, mark them and let them be known unto God.