Your Purpose- Carrying the presence of God.

What separates those who are fully fruitful and joyful in their lives from those who are not is purpose. While others are drawn from their purpose, others do all they can to get it and all they can to remain in it. Those who serve their purpose have found a way of carrying God’s presence in their activities and are enjoying it.  Our purpose is to carry the presence of God, this is why we are created in the image of God, so as to better serve this purpose. In carrying the presence of God his glory is seen in us. Carrying the presence of God is what helps us make full use of our potential. Knowing and living your purpose will not only open new abilities, doors and ways but also give you the freedom to experience life in its fullness and glory. Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me. John 14:23-24 Knowing that your purpose is to carry God’s presence and that God will glorify Himself through you as He did through Jesus, your attitude towards yourself Should change. You should never look at yourself as unimportant or let anyone belittle you as you have the capacity to be indwelt by God. You are very important. Your value is very high such that it cannot be bought with silver or gold because none can be able to buy the effect of God’s presence in your life. The effect of God working through you. This happens when you align yourself according to your God given abilities and his plan for you. Your attitude towards yourself should change, your view of both yourself and the world around you should also change. Be grateful that you already have a purpose and that you are not trying to make it. Be grateful that the abilities and talents you need to accomplish your purpose have already been released for you, all you have to do is cultivate them.

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